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♥♥Your Loving Family♥♥
Good morning love your smile is the sunshine in our will shine forever.
Melissa Eiler
In my thoughts and prayers I hold you Vanessa. God Bless You & your family always. HUGS!
Dianne/mom of Nicholas White
For each day we spend apart from our precious loved one the more glorious our reunion together in heaven will be
Helena. Mum of angel Hannah Card.xx.
An Angels smile full of grace, lighting up an Angels face, looking upwards for your star, always remember how special you are.xxxx
♥♥Your Loving Family♥♥
Sending kisses to the sky it contains all of our Love,catch them & hold them close until we will be together.Good Night Love x
Cindy~B.J., Wayne & Bucks Mama
And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes; and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying...Rev. 21:4
♥♥Wendy Angel Kevin Conatty ♥♥
Memory is a lovely lane, where hearts R ever true, a lane I so often travel down, because it leads 2 U Hugs Wendy and Sarah♥♥
Margaret Buonpane
Though absent you are very near, Still loved, still missed and very dear.
Louise-Grandma 2 Angie Robert
Thinking of u sweetie on this beautiful Sunday afternoon also your dear family..Have a nice day to u all Love Angie Grandma..
Beverly Brown (Thomas Allen)
Sweet is your memory, Precious is your name, Deep in your loved ones hearts, you will always remain. xxxx
Brigid Charlie & family
Good morning star shine as you shine upon us every night and everyday,love you SABIHA XOXOXO
♥♥Your Loving Family♥♥
Having a Mass today in Your Honor which marks 2 years & 10 months that You left us heart broken FOREVER.xoxoxo
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