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Forever Your Loving Family Thursdays May 3, 2012

Vanessa, there are no words to describe the devistation that we are going through. I have tried to explain to others how I feel inside, but there just isin't any explanation that suites what my heart, soul, and mind experience everyday. I may put on a smile, but deep within what is left of my heart is aching so much. People say in time things will get better, and I must say that is not true, what happenes is You learn to deal with it, You dont want to but You have to. I will admit there are times I close my eyes and make myself believe that You are still here,with me with us, it works for a few minutes, but then the tragedy of the night settles in. I remember that night You left us as if it was yesterday, the emptyness, the pain, the suffering, the questions... VANESSA I always Loved You and looked up to You and I always will. Today Thursday is our day... every Thursday we made it Family day just for the 4 of us when daddy is off from work and You always took us shopping and later to dinner.We still do it and Your Loving brother gets to take us food shopping and then for dinner we do miss You Vanessa but You are always always with us.I remember when Daddy got You the Apartment and You was so excited,You told me that You were moving it broke my heart... even tough it was in the same building and one floor down.And when Daddy took you to Home Depot so You can pick up the colours for the Paint and You even picked up the  tiles for the bathroom and the Kitchen....You and I went shopping to get the towels,the shower curtain ( now we use the same Shower Curtain You had) and you made a list of what was needed and then You became ill....and never got to finish the apartment and I still have your wish List...Some days are so hard because I want to see You and talk to You and touch You but I just close my eyes and think back to a happy time when I could do that and it makes me feel for one moment that life is still like that and You are still here. Things are always going to be hard without You in my life.Oh my Vanessa I would give anything anything to have You back .....................just to hear Your laugh..see Your be here with me with us and  just to hear You call me mommy. I miss You so much

Loving Mommy Beautiful Memories of You Sunshine April 26, 2012
My beautiful Vanessa.... Oh how I miss You. Today I woke up like every other day and I got this aching feeling in my heart.
You will remain with me for the rest of my life. I will never ever forget You. I will never forget the countless hours we would spend shopping,baking cooking a new recipe together and joking around. I will never forget how we used to meet during Your school breaks and have lunch together,now I do this with Your brother when he don't have school and sometimes with Daddy...but how I miss You!I will never forget how we used to snuggle in bed together and watch a movie.I will never forget how You always spoke about Your brother all the time. You Loved Your brother so much and You was so proud of him.Your face would light up when You would talk about him .Many of Your friends were jealous yes they did tell me how much You Loved Your brother and that they wish they had their relationship just like Yours..when he was with his other friends and he would call You and You leave everything and go to pick him up.I will never forget how daddy always took You to movies,shows or base-ball games and I would be by the window waving at You and You and daddy waving at me. I will never forget how beautiful You looked when You had friends over our house,Your face was always shining.Our house was always filled with Your friends and that happened wherever You went even at Nanna's house every Summer it was the same way,friends would come over to be with You.How You always spoke and was very proud about Your Maltese heritage with Your friends.I will never forget how You always brought the families together while we were visiting Malta every Summer and how all Your friends would come by nanna's house looking for You.How You visited every Summer to be there for Your favourite Feast.So many many nice memories Vee.I will never forget all Your Birthday's were spend in Malta at nanna's house or mostly at Your most favourite beach Dahlet Qorrot.Nanna ,Sam and Doris would be cooking a storm for Your Special Birthday.Many Birthdays were shared with Your Cousin Samantha few days apart.Our Family keeps growing,Cousin Rebecca have 2 handsome Boys and COusin Samantha also have a handsome boy,how I wish You are here so You get to enjoy them. I am sure You are seeing everything from Heaven.I will never forget all our Family trips together as one happy family. I will never forget never all the fun things we did together and I will never EVER forget You my darling,cannot wait for the day where we are all-together again and have a good laugh-hug each-other. We will talk about the journeys in our lives and reminisce about our past.Keep watching over Your brother,he misses You everyday.I know it is very difficult for him just as much for me and for Daddy. I love You my Vanessa. You are finally free and no more Pain muahhhhhhhhhh xoxo xoxo xoxo xoxo
Sadness---Mommy All loss is hard. All loss is lonely. April 25, 2012
 But there is something about child-loss that puts it in a unique category.

I have experienced other types of loss  until I lost my Cousin and now even worst ...losing my own Loving Precious Daughter .When my cousin Joe died,Nov,1982 I was devastated.He  was a wonderful kind man,loving cousin.I was very close with my Cousin Joe. I remember very well my Vanessa was born July 29th 1982 and Joe could not come and see her as he was leaving for Europe and he called me while on his way to the Airport saying when I come back from Malta I will come and visit you and see the baby.Well Joe never came back from Europe..he had a bad car accident and never met Vanessa. Cousin Joe was 24 .When our Vanessa passed away she was 24 and I know for sure they both met in Heaven.I grieved for him.At that time I kept saying in my heart I can only imagine how my Aunt is feeling with the loss of her Son. I will forever miss You Cousin Joe and my Loving Precious at Peace together and shine down on all of us.

Then, in 2006, my own 24-year-old daughter passed away. My life as I knew it came to a complete halt. I lost all hope and joy, and the worst was yet to come. Indeed, in the early days and weeks,  being able to survive the death of my own daughter was seriously in question.

 You may hear a lot of anger in my words because child-loss is not fair and anger is an immense part of it — raw life-changing anger at the unfairness of it all, much more anger then is associated with other losses.

 Putting into words what the pain, heartache, anger, loss of hope and Joy does to one when they lose their beloved child.  Even our words cannot fully come close to the way our lives are shattered after child-loss

But it is my hope that more people will understand what bereaved parents go through, and how it is the worst loss of all.  

The worst loss of all.

I want you to try to imagine, if you can, never seeing your child again, never hearing her laugh, never hearing the sound of their voice, never smelling the scent you have come to recognize as your child’s, never hearing them say “I love you.” Nothing – just silence, emptiness. Now, imagine never seeing your child’s smile, never seeing her upset or happy, never watching her sleep.

Imagine missing them so much that you are twisted up inside and the pain stays with you 24/7. You smell your child’s pillow, clothes, you look at her pictures and can only cry. You have never felt longing like this in your life! Longing to hear her voice, to see her face again, and to know deep in your soul you cannot fix it. Now imagine every single thing that used to give you joy and pleasure turns into hurt and despair overnight. Not a gradual thing, but going from pleasure to hurt, from happiness to sadness, from peace to no peace, changing overnight.

Everything you loved now hurts like hell. I used to love music. It gave me pleasure. I didn’t realize how much music was a part of my life and my Loving Precious Vanessa....I know Music was her Soul..... Now it hurts me to listen to it...... Every song reminds me of the void in my life without my child. I am not unique in that pain – if you lost a child then you would know

That is just one little example of how your life is affected by the loss of your child.

You also feel the loss with your other children. You still love your other children just as much as always, but as hard as it is, even they hurt you now, because when you see them, you feel the loss of the child that died not being with their siblings. There is a piece missing, a person missing; your whole life doesn’t fit anymore. Things that felt right, now feel wrong. And of course there is always the missing, the horrible gut wrenching, out of your control missing.

As good parents, we were always able to fix things or make things better for our children. This we cannot fix, cannot make it better. So on top of everything else you are feeling, you also feel helpless…out of control and hopeless…and this is universal.

Are you starting to imagine now how it feels? 

Day after day, month after month, and no matter what you are doing or who you are talking to, a tape of your child plays over and over in your mind: your child when she was a baby, a laughing happy little girl, a cute young teen, a wonderful young man or women. It plays in your head, and you do not want to forget even a single second of your beautiful child’s life.

And that is a fear you have, that as time passes you will start to forget

This is what it really feels like: A part of you has died… a real, beautiful, living part of you has died… and you are still living, left behind to try to pick up the pieces of your shattered life and not having a clue where to even begin.

A part of you does not exist anymore and it is scary as hell.

That is why when we hear other people say to us: “I want the old you back” or “It’s been long enough and don’t you feel better yet?” or “You are making it harder on yourself” or “grief can become a selfish thing you know” — when we hear these, we can only shake our heads and feel sadness and hopelessness, because there is no way our lives will ever be like it was when our child was alive.

Now go on and put on your favorite CD to listen to, enjoy the music. Go home and hug your children, listen to them laugh with them, watch them smile, smell their scent. And please do not tell me how I should feel.

Loving Family We Remember YOU all the time April 24, 2012

Remember me

Remember ME when flowers bloom

early in the Spring,

Remember ME on Sunny days

in the fun that Summer brings.

Remember ME in the Fall

as You walk through the leaves of gold,

And in the Winter - remember ME

In the stories that are told.

But most of all remember

each day - right from the start,

I will be forever near

for I live within Your heart.

Vanessa in her own thoughts September 11,2001 April 23, 2012

'I Wanted to Share My Thoughts With You'


Today I look back on the past 2 days and think I should be waking up from this really bad dream right about now. Unfortunately, my nightmare, America’s nightmare, is a brutal reality. A reality, which tested our strength, our integrity as a nation, our unity as a people, and our belief in the American Dream.
On Tuesday September 11, 2001 I woke up to what seemed like a normal day. I got up at about 8am and started getting ready for my first class, which began at 10. I put on Good Day NY like I do almost every morning, and I began to eat my cereal and watch the morning news. At about 8:45 or so, the news channel flickered and went out for like a slit second. About 3 minutes later Jim Ryan and Lynn Brown began talking about “Breaking News” apparently a plane had flown into one of the building of the World Trade Center. The first thought that came to my mind was about he poor people on this plane. But then I thought, how could a pilot fly into one of the twin towers in this crystal clear weather. My questions were answered, no more than 10 minuets later a second plane hit the second tower of the World Trade Center. And life as we know it will never be the same again.
Shocked, scared, and confused I didn’t know what to do. I called my father and he wasn’t at his desk. I kept running back and forth to look at the television, not wanting to believe my eyes, but at the same time so transfixed that I was paralyzed. I called my mom and told her “Mom 2 planes just hit the World Trade Center, put on the TV!” and I hung up. I was in a daze, I had no idea what I was doing. I got my book bag and walked out of my house, like everything was normal. But it was a far cry from that, I went to school thinking that maybe it was all just my imagination, and besides everyone seemed to be going about their normal activities.
I got to school and overheard a few people talking about the incident, but the initial shock didn’t seem to set in. The professor arrived and he said to us that he doesn’t know if he should be conducting the class since the World Trade Center “is in ruins”. Our class went into a frenzy, “what??” we all said. The professor explained to us that the buildings both collapsed. Panic, shock, fear, anger, and a whole range of emotions waved through the classroom. And a cloud of debris hung over lower Manhattan.
My walk home was the scariest and surreal thing I have ever experienced in my life. What seemed like the whole population of Manhattan was walking uptown in a zombie-like daze. I felt like I was the only person walking downtown, but I had to get home. My walk from 68th street and Lexington Ave. to 56th street and 1st Ave. was anything but normal. Droves of people walking with blank stares on their faces. I walked home thinking of what monsters could do such a thing. In between tears and feeling the need to scream from anger I kept walking, the whole way with goose bumps and a chilling feeling unlike any other I had felt before.
When I got home, the images were worse than I imagined. Pure horror on the TV. It was like watching a movie, only one thing, these were not special effects, this really happened. Could it be? The twin towers, which were once looked upon as a landmark of our city and our country no longer stood. It’s just then you realize how many people are involved. The news reporters start giving numbers, as many as 20,000 they say. More than one can imagine. Some one has to pay for all this. But who? As the day progresses, fingers point towards Osama Bin Laden, anti-American millionaire who apparently has more than a few screws loose. With a significant network of worshipers, he is the epitome of evil power. What makes him and his associates even more dangerous is that they are willing to give their lives, to end the lives of others. Just as they proved with the planes they hijacked.
As the story unfolded, things couldn’t get much worse. American integrity was questioned and its people, saddened. But instead of focusing our fear and confusion into anger, New Yorkers instead became unusually helpful. Lines to donate blood had over a 5 hour wait. Rescue workers had more food than they could eat. This was the true spirit of New York. Nothing a terrorist could ever take away from us.
Waking up Wednesday morning, I thought to myself, was it really a dream? Once again I was wrong. The second day was far worse than the first. The dust settled, the thoughts coming together in out heads, and the grim reality of the amount of people buried under 110 stories of rubble. Rescue efforts were not even putting a dent in the huge mound of debris. People began coming foreword with their heart wrenching stories of their missing loved ones. All hope seemed lost, but the rescue efforts pushed on. Burdened with the threats or remaining fires, shaky buildings, wet feet, and heavy hearts, New York’s finest, bravest, and most heroic individuals dug their way into a twisted and chaotic mess. Some with bulldozers, others with their bare hands, everyone was eager to do what they could to help alleviate the pain and horror of the most horrific and deadly tragedy in history.
And while this story is far from over, an interesting realization has come over the people of New York. They care for one another. Everyone is genuinely happy to see friends or co-workers, because we all know in the back of our minds that not everyone is as lucky as we are to be with the ones we love.
Tonight’s forecast is rain. As if a devastated financial district, lost lives numbering in the thousands, dwindling survivors pulled from the wreckage, the fear of an asbestos threat and hundred and hundreds of bodies what will begin to decompose within the next day or so are not enough elements to deal with, now the worry of rain. And while the inclement weather may dampen the bodies of our heroes, its will not even touch the American spirit. Nothing has, nothing will. If anything, these events have brought us together as people, as the human race. Together we will begin to make some sort of sense in our personal lives, and try to return to normalcy seems as foreign as the terrorists who raged their hatred upon us. But we will get through it. God bless America, truly the land of the free and the home of so many brave.

Vanessa Borg
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